Tuesday, January 19, 2016


well, happy thanksgiving!!! thanksgiving isnt a thing here so I hope you all eat a lot for me. I want grandmas gravy and moms pie, save some for me. Just 9 more weeks and I cant eat REAL AMERICAN FOOD. 

I am thankful for you all and I am sad I wont be there but also, i am so grateful that I am here in Beautiful Argentina serving the lord. Of all the things that I am grateful for this year, I think my mission and my savior would have to be at the top of my list. 

This week was LONG. we are in the search of new investigators but we had 2 miracles this week....2 BAPTISMS!!! Yes, Dionella and Thiago got baptized. It was so awesome. They are 2 little kids that have such strong testimonies. Their baptism was beautiful and I just was filled with so much love. You cannot express the love you feel when you see your investigators be baptized. I am just a tool in the lords hands and I am so grateful he gave me the opportunity to teach this wonderful family. The mom is going to get baptized soon and the dad didnt want anything to do with us, but during the baptism he felt the spirit and afterwards he told me, Hermana Root, i have never felt so much peace in my life. Maybe I do want to listen to what you girls have to say. WHOOOOOO! 

ALSO, I had exchanges with Hermana Padilla who is from Argentina. She is so sweet but she was so overwhelmed. Shes new to the mission and she has a hard time talking to people so the whole day we basically just contacted so she could get some practice and so I could help her get over this fear. I remember when I was so nervous to talk to people and now I just naturally talk! It just took me 18 months to learn it! haha

I had some very spiritual experiences this week during some contacts that we did. The Argentine people are so wonderful, but there are many who are VERY set in their ways. Many have false ideas about our church and our doctrine and this week we knocked on a womans door and she told us that our church was just a brainwashing system from America that made us believe in everything but Jesus Christ. She told us she didnt like modern religions. As everyone knows, I HATE CONTENTION! haha but this time I was able to tell this woman that our church is the oldest church on earth because it is the same church that christ established while he was on the earth. We told her how we have evidence, which is the book of mormon. She then slammed the door in our face and my companion started to tear up. Its so hard when people just shut us down as we share our testimonies but, we will keep on doing it every single day because we know it is true. 
Next, we knocked on a Jehova´s witnesses door. He then told us how prophets cannot exist today, that gods authority is not on the earth, how we cannot change or add things to the bible. My companion and i once again began to testify. We shared in Acts 8 how it testifies of the restoration of the gospel, we showed how the book of mormon TESTIFIES and compliments the bible, and we shared how we know that today their is a prophet on earth. I asked the man, do you think that God loves us less than the ancient people? He gave them prophets and his authority, so why wouldnt he give us the same blessings? The man started to stutter and slammed his door. We walked away with a warmth in our hearts. The promise in D&C is real. Heavenly Father does not let us be confused. He gives us the words to say. We will keep sharing this message until we find someone who wants to listen. This message is what EVERYONE needs!

I am so thankful for this gospel and for all the blessings I have. I am so thankful that I get to live with my family forever and that VERY SOON, i will see all of you. Keep sharing the gospel and keep being so cool! 

ALSO,funny story. Last night I sat up in my sleep and started speaking english with my comp. She said I was like yelling andlaughing and she felt like I was speaking chinese because she didnt understand anything haha.

Les extraño y les amo! 


1. Hermana Padilla and I during exchanges

3. Dionela and the YW!
4. I gave her my dress for her baptism!
5.  Happy kids!
6. Post baptism exhaustion!
9. The best kids ever!
10. All the YW!
11. Best buds!

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